KLIAV 2011 Part13

An Audio Note system – I had high hopes but erm… oh well… it could be due to a lot of other factors. Maybe is the songs, maybe is the room, maybe is the power, maybe is the time, maybe is my ears... :P

Harbeth HL-P3ESR with Quad electronics – sounded really big, coming out form such a tiny speaker. The room gives a sense of calm and cool atmosphere – nice!

Linn full line of setup – electronics and loudspeakers – Akurate and Majik Isobarik loudspeakers. The Linn Akurate 242 is a 5 way system! It can go from passive through multi-wiring and multi-amping to fully active.

Simaudio line up, paired with Verity Audio loudspeakers.

Verity Audio – Finn – 91dB/W/m efficiency with rear woofer configuration.

Verity Audio SARASTRO II – the eXR loudspeaker line – it has efficiency of 93dB @ 2.83V @ 1m on axis! This is a surprise! Too bad it was not connected to the 300B amplifier during the show. This baby hides an 11” woofer with a 4” voice-coil facing the rear. Bi-amp would be perfect - solid state on low, tube on high.

Nagra system pairing with Verity Audio loudspeakers – the MPA MOSFET stereo power amplifier was playing during the show. The one in the middle is the Mythical 300B power amplifier. It is a push-pull class A 300B amplifier giving out 20 Watt per channel.

Nagra CD player, preamplifier, solid state power amplifiers and vacuum tube amplifiers – the two tower looking amplifiers are actually the VPA tube amplifier with 845 output tube, boasting a pure 50W class A output stage with zero feedback.
Heard of this setup in the show?
Tell us how you think about this setup!
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