Voodoo Child

Not actually a fan of Niel Young, however one of his song caught my attention when Kurt Cobain (1967 - 1994) committed suicide. In his suicide note there's a line taken from Niel Young's "Hey Hey, My My" - It's better to burn out than to fade away.

Niel Young then dedicate his 1994 album "Sleeps with Angels" to Kurt Cobain. However, there's also a line in this song which I'm not sure Kurt Cobain has missed it - "once you're gone you can't come back"


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Aug 18, 2011
Neil Young- Live at Massey Hall 1971
by: Heart Hear tHe art

Care to list few of your fans, more constructive huh ;-) Thanks for sharing the stories about these guys, I don't know as much but I was just talking about LMH perse.


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